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  • Charles Kouns

When Threads Stick Out

Have you ever noticed a thread sticking out from the fabric or knit that it’s part of? Threads are meant to be spun or woven with other threads to create something newer, stronger, and more beautiful than one thread alone. When you see one sticking out, what is the first thing you want to do? Pull it! But if you do, you can wreak havoc on that section of the garment or blanket. The cloth bunches up and the harmony is broken. The alternative of poking the thread back into place works sometimes, but usually not very well or for very long.

Ego is the thread that sometimes sticks up like a skyscraper above the rest of the cloth, doing its best to be seen and, possibly, to prove to the rest of the threads that it is different, better, something more than they are.

Then the universe brings out its scissors and trims the errant ego enough to smooth the fabric back into alignment. This trimming is evidence of a loving presence at work in your lives, even though it may not feel that way at the time.

Can you feel a resistance to this message rising up within you? You may have been taught that you are separate and that the more you achieve, the more you stand out or become unique compared to whatever is deemed “normal,“ the more significant you are. Imagine what would happen if all the threads in a garment decided to stick out? There would be no garment!

This is, in effect, what has happened within your society. For each action of ego is to separate. This requires significant amounts of energy and creates tremendous resistance. Do you hear this? Separating to be different, to be “somebody,“ creates resistance throughout the field. Can you feel how much resistance exists within your society?

No two snowflakes are the same, but they are all still snowflakes. You are all eternal beings, completely and wholly connected energetically. You are beautiful as you are. When millions of snowflakes are piled one on top of another, you cannot distinguish them from each other, but what a beautiful scene they make! How gently the earth is watered and cared for as they melt.

You are known by God. Therefore, the only impression you are seeking to make is with other human beings. Relax. You are far more precious on the inside than you know. There is nothing to prove. When you all gather your preciousness together, the weaving is incredible.

During the time of trial over the past few weeks, something incredible has happened over and over again. All across the globe, people have been weaving new patterns of life-giving energy; cooperating, harmonizing, and aligning through love. The resistance that requires so much energy has been greatly lessened as you have focused together on protecting, healing, and caring for each other.

Sense into the energetic before the quarantine, and then into the energetic during the quarantine. Given the choice, and you have the choice, how will you thread your way going forward as this period draws to a close?

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